Buckwheat – Superstar Nutrient Food with 10 Health Benefit

Buckwheat can be regarded as a superstar nutrient food, for the numerous health benefits . Iin Italy,for example, buckwheat  sold only in pharmacies. Buckwheat is the fruit seed of a plant originally from Asia This means that people who can not eat wheat and grains can eat…

Onions Prevent the Development of Cancer

The word onion comes from the Latin word unio, which means “single,” or “one”-reflecting of the onion plant producing a single bulb, unlike its cousin, the garlic, that produces many small bulbs. It is scientifically proved that if a person regularly eats half of…

Cardamom, Cinnamon, Black Pepper Help Losing Weight

These spices accelerate metabolism, burn fat and help reduce blood cholesterol levels . Cardamom speeds up metabolism Cardamom is one of the world’s very ancient spices. It is native to southern India and Sri Lanka. Today it also grows in Indo China, Cambodia, Guatemala,…

Food for Beautiful Skin

Scientific research shows that if you eat trout for at least 18 days in a row , your skin appearance changes: it becomes firmer and looks younger. Trout contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 3 is very beneficial to the skin…