Who Developed TH

Who developed ThetaHealing™?


ThetaHealing™ was developed by Vianna Stibal, a naturopath and massage therapist, in Idaho Falls, Idaho. When Vianna discovered a way to heal her body from cancer in 1995 she pioneered and refined the process known as ThetaHealing™.


Initially when ThetaHealing™ was discovered, it was used in connection with healing physical conditions. However, over the years it has developed into a complete set of tools and techniques to work with many different areas in life.


It is now used all over the world with people of all ages, all backgrounds, and all spiritual traditions.


ThetaHealing is one of the fastest growing healing modalities , having been taught in over 27 countries, by Vianna as well as her many certified Teachers, and with many hundreds of practitioners in even more countries around the world.


How does ThetaHealing™ work?
  • ThetaHealing™ is based on the acceptance that there is a higher divine Consciousness in the Universe.
  • ThetaHealing™ is not based on any religion, but on an acceptance that there is a higher Source that can be worked with to change aspects of your life.
  • ThetaHealing™ is the healing system of the 21st century.


Our thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) create our lives.The list of our self-limiting beliefs might be long and rather depressing. The bottom line is that many of our beliefs interfere with having a successful, healthy,fulfilling life.


ThetaHealing™ can help make profound changes in the person’s life by releasing negative thoughts and beliefs .


Our subconscious beliefs impact physical, mental and emotional reality, your well being without a person’s knowledge. These beliefs can add positive energy to ones life or can be roadblocks to one’s health,  happiness and fulfillment.


They can manifest physical or emotional conditions, addictions, depression and illness.


When belief systems, thoughts and feelings are changed, a healing is created in the physical body.


Science is now proving that physical conditions are linked to emotions and feelings held in the physical body.


 By changing the beliefs, the physical conditions heal.


What are the beliefs?


Our thoughts are influenced by the kind of beliefs we have ,which affect our behavior, our relationships with others .


There are 4 levels of beliefs;
  • Core beliefs – what we are taught in this life and accept from childhood,usually formed before age 6.
  • Genetic level – carried over from ancestors or are being added to the genes in this life
  • History level – can be identified as collective consciousness experiences that we carry into the present.
  • Soul level- this is all that a person “is”, it is “a spark of the Divine”,part of us that knows Creator.


88% of our brain activity is controlled by our subconscious, and we use only 12% for conscious thought.


In the first 6 years of life children operate from the Theta brain wave only moving into conscious brain wave patterns after the age of six. Thus what we learn early in life before we become capable of conscious thought and reasoning is stored in our subconscious mind. It is like a computer program that runs constantly, yet silently, impacting all areas of our life and yet we are unaware of it or its negative impact.


During Theta Healing sessions through the active participation and permission of the person these blocks are identified and released.


For example:


An old self limiting belief such as “I am not good enough” can be transformed to a life affirming statement, such as ‘I am good enough”. “I am a failure” can be transformed to “I am a success”.


As the practitioner, I go into the Theta brain wave and witness the healing. It’s a profound alternative medicine modality We do know that all parts of you, the emotional, psychological , and the physical are impacted by the healing and you have feeling of peace, love,warmth and later a good night sleep.


The Healing is from Creator . Theta practitioners never do any healing. We simply connect you to Creator and witness the changes Creator makes.


ThetaHealing IS an ENERGY healing process.


We are energy.Our thoughts, feelings and believes create our reality.


If we focus on gratitude and love ,our energy will also increase.


At a higher vibrational frequency ,it is easier to manifest the things we want in our life.


By focusing on gratitude we will attract more of what makes us grateful.


Our energy frequency decreases when we think negative thoughts,speak negative words, feel negative emotions

Theta Healing Sessions