Slenderiiz & Xceler8

$161.36 (USD)

Slenderiix Clinical Trial Proves The Average Weight Loss Is 13-16 Pounds in 28 Days!

The one-of-a-kind formula is made up of 100 percent homeopathic ingredients

When used together in a signature 1250-calorie program, Slenderiix™ and Xceler8 support speedy weight loss, including stubborn belly fat, and reduce the odds of “rebound weight gain.”




Slenderiiz Weight Management System


Dr. Ray Strand – Optimizing Fat Loss with Slenderiix & Xceler8 by ARIIX


Q: What should I expect when starting this program?

A: You can expect to be hungry the first couple of days during the diet. After about 48hours, the Slenderiix™ drops will begin to curb your hunger. Factors that ensure weight loss include regular exercise and improved dietary habits, such as making fibous vegetables like broccoli,cauliflowe, and brussels sprouts part of your lunch and dinner meals. Fiber and water intake are extremely important to your success with this program.

Q: Should I exercise while following this diet?

A: Yes. However – as you exercise, you need to offset calories burned with an increased consumption of calories. For example: If you run and burn 300 calories then you need to balance that out by consuming 75% of those 300 calories (or an additional 225 calories). But remember that you may only eat from the approved proteins and vegetables. No extra fruit. It is important to note that vigorous exercise will slow your weight loss. You will lose inches, but your overall weight loss will be noticeably slower.

Q: What if I need to cheat, what can I do without completely falling apart?

A: This is one of our most-asked questions. If you are going to cheat, then cheat with lean proteins or green vegetables. Please don’t eat any sweets, ice cream or other types of simple sugars. If you do, it can set your diet back 3 to 4 days. Small cheats will not usually cause a sudden weight gain, but they may cause you to be unable to lose any weight for 3 to 4 days. Obviously we prefer that you not cheat, but if you do, be smart in your approach. Whatever you do, do it in moderation and don’t let cheating set you back so far that you give up on the diet altogether. Remember, you will not meet your weight loss goals if you quit on the diet!

Q: What do I do if I hit a plateau?

A: It is normal to experience a plateau (where weight loss stops) for 2 to 5 days. If it persists past 6 days, you need to do one of two things:

    • Option 1: For one full day, eat nothing but protein (and Slenderiix™ & Xceler8 drops). Again, eat nothing but protein and drink only water.
    • Option 2: Drink 3 PureNourish shakes a day with two apples or 2 cups of organic baby spinach blended in your shake (plus Slenderiix™ & Xceler8 drops) and plenty of water. Trying one of these 2 options should push your metabolism out of the plateau and allow you to continue your weight loss.

Q: What should I do if I get a headache?

A: In some cases people can get headaches when following a lower calorie diet. To alleviate this you can drink an electrolyte-rich beverage with zero or low calories. Coconut water is a great choice.

Q: What if I want to exercise while following this diet?

A: This diet is extremely flexible. If you would like to exercise then you need to offset calories burned with an increased consumption of calories. For example: If you run and burn 300 calories then you need to balance that out by consuming 75% of those 300 calories (or an additional 225 calories consumed). But you may only eat from the approved proteins and vegetables. No extra fruit. It is important to note that vigorous exercise will slow your weight loss. You will lose inches, but your overall weight loss will be noticeably slower.

Q: How about the safety and side effects of ARIIX’s Weight Management program?

A: There are no known side effects associated with using Slenderiix or Xceler8. However as with any weight loss program you should consult your doctor prior to beginning.

Q: How long do I leave the Slenderiix drops under my tongue and what do I do after?

A: It is best to leave the Homeopathic Slenderiix Drops under your tongue for 10 seconds. After that, you can simply swallow the liquid. It’s also important to not have anything to eat or drink 10 minutes before or after you take the drops.

Q: Why the 1250-calorie diet?

A: Because you are only consuming 1250 calories, Slenderiix signals your hypothalamus to mobilize fat out of your body’s fat storage areas makes it available for you to burn as you go about your daily activities.

Q: What preparations are required for Slenderiix drops?

A: The most important preparation you can do is to mentally make the decision to follow the diet. You must stay on the diet for it to work. The great news is that in 30 days you may be a totally new you.

Q: What to expect.

A: You can expect to be hungry the first couple of days during the diet. After about 48 hours the Slenderiix and Xceler8 Drops begin to curb your hunger and release fat stores to help feed your body. Factors that ensure faster weight loss include making fibrous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts part of your lunch and dinner meals. Fiber and water intake are extremely important to your success with this program.

Q: How does Slenderiix work?

A: It is theorized that Slenderiix causes your hypothalamus to mobilize fat out of your body’s fat storage areas and makes it available for use.

  • There are three types of fat found in your body.
  • Structured Fat: Found between the joints and organs
  • Normal Fat: Located throughout the body; used to meet the body’s daily nutritional needs.
  • Abnormal Fat: Deposits causing obesity; only drawn upon during starvation and pregnancy.

By restricting your caloric intake the body can only draw upon the structural and normal fat reserves. That is why starvation diets alone do not work and actually cause people to gain weight. The body compensates for low food intake by beginning to store more fat.

Q: What if I want to take in fewer calories?

A: Our program is built on 1250 calories but you may choose at your sole discretion to take in fewer calories to increase your weight loss. We suggest you discuss this with your doctor prior to beginning any new weight loss program.

Q: Why is Slenderiix Drops your best choice?

There are many reasons; here are the top 4:

    1. Slenderiix Drops is manufactured in the USA by an FDA-approved facility.
    2. Slenderiix Drops give you a Hormone-Free formula to maximize your diet results by providing a 100% homeopathic formula.
    3. Slenderiix is a complete formula. It is not a watered-down version of amino acids.
    4. Slenderiix uses a multi-phased approach combined with a 1250-calorie diet to promote sustainable weight loss. Keeping you at your ideal weight is our mantra.

Q: How do I use the Xceler8 complex with Slenderiix?

A: Slenderiix is a homeopathic synergistic blend of ingredients that work together to help you lose weight fast. Xceler8 helps ensure maximum effectiveness when used with Slenderiix Drops. It does this in 3 ways. First, it optimizes absorption of everything you eat and drink, including the Slenderiix drops. This ensures you receive more nutrients from the food you eat. Second, it supports increased blood circulation throughout the body. The boosted blood flow, especially through the extremities, helps you and your joints feel better. Third, you will experience increased energy.

All the items below are homeopathic – non-chemical solutions

Ammonium Bromatum: Indicated in chronic laryngeal and pharyngeal catarrh, neuralgic headaches, and obesity.

Avena Sativa: Exhibits selective action on brain and nervous system, favorably influencing their nutritive function. Indicated in nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, and addictive morphine habit. Best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases and sleeplessness, especially of alcoholics. Also addresses nervous states of many chronic female concerns.

Calcarea Carbonica: Chief action is supporting impaired nutritional metabolism; the glands, skin, and bones, being most instrumental in changes evidenced. Needed for increased local and general perspiration [for normal systemic detoxification]… nausea, acidosis, and breathlessness, a jaded state—mental or physical, due to overwork.

Fucus Vesiculosis: A remedy for obesity and non-toxic goiter, thyroid enlargement in obese patients. Digestion is enhanced, normalizing obstinate constipation, and flatulence diminished.

Graphites: An anti-psoric carbon, most active in stout individuals with fairer complexions, with tendencies toward skin affections and constipation, excess fat storage with tendency to obesity, chronic low body temperature, with delayed menstrual history, who become cold easily, may suffer anæmia with redness of face, tendency toward inflammation of the pylorus or duodenal illness.

Ignatia Amara: One of the chief remedies for hysteria. It is especially adapted to the nervous temperament of women who are of sensitive, easily excited nature, quick to react, rapid in execution and change of mental and physical condition, nervous, apprehensive, rigid, trembling who suffer acutely with mental or physical stress.

Lycopodium Clavatum: Supports conditions where ailments are gradually developing with functional weakening regarding digestion, liver function, and predisposition to uric acid metabolism, intolerance to cold and muscular strength. Marked regulating influence upon the glandular (sebaceous) secretions, those benefitting from Lycopodium lack vital heat [indicating lower than optimal metabolism] have poor circulation, with cold extremities, acute temporary pains, and sensitivity to noise and odors.

Nux Vomica: Typical individuals calmed by Nux are thin, spare, quick, active, nervous, and irritable.Especially adapted to digestive disturbances, flatulent abdominal distention and hypochondrial states, Nux may also address conditions such as ravenous hunger, sour taste in mouth, nausea in the morning after eating; weight and pain in stomach, and feeling worse after eating.

Sulfuricum Acidum: This remedy supports those with chronic acidosis, digestive tract abnormalities, and may be evidenced by a craving for stimulants. Tremor and weakness, hurried temperament, hot flashes followed by perspiration with trembling, diminished rate of healing after medical procedures, gastralgia and hypochlorrhydria.

Thyroidinum: Exercises a general regulating influence over the mechanism of the organs of nutrition, growth and development. Used in psoriasis, tachycardia, arrested development in children, linked to improvement in memory, goiter, obesity, mammary tumors, uterine fibroids, fibroid tumors of the breast. Addresses the sensation of faintness and nausea, extreme weakness and hunger, sensitivity to cold and symptoms of Hypothyroidism after acute diseases, i.e, weakness, easy fatigue, weak pulse.