Theta Healing

“ThetaHealing can be most easily described as an attainable miracle for your life. In ThetaHealing, we put to use our natural intuition, relying upon God’s unconditional love to do the actual “work”. By changing your brain wave cycle to include the “theta” state, you can actually watch God create, instantaneous physical and emotional healing.” ~ Quote by Vianna Stibal, Founder of THInK Institute

Discover ThetaHealing®

Why is ThetaHealing™ different?

ThetaHealing™ – Vianna Stibal interview with Joe Pearson

Dr. Ken Best ThetaHealing Blood Analysis

Melinda proves the power of this amazing healing technique once again


ThetaHealing™ is a holistic healing modality which directly addresses your subconscious mind to get rid of blocks,allowing miraculous instant healings and profound transformations. Whether you seek to transform your health, your finances,your relationships or your spirituality Theta Healing is fast and easy way to make permanent ,lasting and effective changes in your life.
ThetaHealing™ is a practiced art where Quantum Physics meets Metaphysics. Practitioners learn to enter and use the theta brainwave while connecting in meditation to the creative energy of All That Is. In that space quantum changes occur if directed correctly and witnessed. Beliefs and understandings are changed and thus a person’s perceived reality changes instantly.
Our beliefs and feelings define us and our experiences. Changing perceptions changes reality.” you are what you think” This is exactly what all the self help books tell us, but no one has yet told us HOW to change. “Think positive”, “Focus”, “Employ self discipline” and “Just make a decision” is great advice, but what if you just can’t seem to get there from here?
ThetaHealing™ allows you to reprogram your mind. Many of our blocks are held at the subconscious level. We pick up beliefs and perceptions (we’re basically ‘programmed’) throughout our lifetime, sometimes starting in utero or even prior to that. Many of these ‘programs’ limit our ability to really thrive only because we buy into something that makes us see ourselves as less than we truly are. . If you can understand the concept that we are not ’humans having a spiritual experience’, but rather ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’, then the rest gets simple. We come into the human experience with a pure essence of the energy that creates everything. This energy is incredibly powerful, it is the essence of love and it is our soul’s nature. This creative energy is ‘YES’ energy. It doesn’t understand ‘NO’ and it has no judgment or value system. It responds like a magnet to whatever we put our energy into.
Our challenge is to navigate through the human ego experience and gain an understanding of this true nature of ours. 
We are all connected. In our human experience, this energy within us takes on unique characteristics due to the ego.
Our beliefs and emotions determine and define our unique rate of vibration.
Enlightenment is when we let go of our Ego and have cleared enough “stuff” – beliefs, negative feelings, regrets, resentments, prejudices and so on, that we vibrate to the frequency of love, our soul’s nature, and are in service to others simply by resonating that same pure essence within them
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