Can I drink diet soda (or other non-caloric beverages) while using RESET?

Yes, in moderation, as long as it does not stimulate your appetite and you are still able to drink the amount of water recommended during RESET.

Can I drink coffee or tea?

Yes, as long as it does not contribute additional calories to your daily intake (meaning no sugar or cream) and you drink the required amount of water.

Can I mix the shakes with skim milk or soymilk instead of water?

During RESET, it is recommended that you mix the shakes with water. Milk or soymilk will increase the caloric level by 250-300 calories per day.

I usually work out for longer periods of time than you recommend. Can I continue with my current exercise routine?

It is strongly discouraged. RESET does not provide enough calories to support prolonged or strenuous exercise.

How often can I repeat RESET?

You may use RESET once every three months to recommit to your new lifestyle. Keep in mind that the purpose of RESET is to help you change your unhealthy eating habits. After you complete the five days, you may choose the Transform or Maintain phase follow up program, depending on your health and weight loss goals.

Can diabetics follow RESET?

If you have diabetes, we suggest that you consult your physician to determine if this program is appropriate for you. Keep in mind that these are food products that should be treated like any other healthy food. In general, most diabetics are able to follow RESET, depending on how they are currently managing their diabetes. In some cases, it may be necessary to monitor blood glucose levels more regularly, especially if there is a significant change in carbohydrate intake.

Can children follow RESET?

No. The caloric level of RESET is not sufficient to support normal growth and development in children. Children under the age of 18 should not participate in the program unless directed by their physician.

Can I follow RESET if I am taking medication or have a health condition?

We suggest you consult your physician before beginning RESET if you are taking medication, have a specific health condition, or are on a diet specific to certain medical conditions.

Can pregnant and lactating women follow RESET?

No. The caloric level of RESET is not sufficient to support normal fetal growth and development during pregnancy or breast milk production in lactating women. Pregnant or lactating women should not participate in the program unless directed by their physician.

What if I mess up, what should I do?

If you can’t resist the cravings and end up eating or drinking something that is not on the RESET program, there’s no need to give up or start over. Just start where you left off and move forward.

*It is suggested that you take these products to your physician and secure his or her advice if you intend to change your diet, begin an exercise program, are pregnant, lactating, have allergies, are taking medications, or are under the care of a physician. The components of the USANA Reset: 5-Day High-Fiber Cleanse are FOOD, not DRUGS.  As with any health or fitness program, a sensible eating plan and regular exercise are required in order to achieve long-term weight loss results. Results will vary.